Thursday, February 11, 2016

Get Rid of Your BUTs

Remove BUT from your vocabulary!

Image result for the word but

If you catch yourself saying "I like that BUT…." STOP and replace “but” with “I wonder how…” or "I like that AND..."

How many times when approached with a new concept or idea that you intentionally or unintentionally shut it down by using "but" in your sentence?
  • That would be great but, I don't have time.
  • That would be great but, I don't have the resources.
  • That would be great but, the students aren't engaged.

In the words of Jim Knight, "Words have the power to bring people together or push them apart. To find common ground, we should use words that unite and avoid words that divide. The most fundamental word choice is to say WE instead of I, YES instead of no, AND instead of but.” excerpt taken from Better Conversations Coaching Ourselves and Each Other to be more Credible, Caring, and Connected

Take some time to reflect on how often that one little word squashes potential innovation. 

Help your students develop positive attitudes and open minds, help them eliminate their buts too!