Wednesday, October 28, 2015

STICK to it!

Learning how to set and  achieve goals is a life long skill. STICK is an acronym for a strategy that can help students work through a process to achieve their goal.

 S=Specifics. You must have an end in mind and know exactly how you will achieve it.

T=Time line. You must decide on when your goal needs be to completed.

I=I can do it. Make sure your goal is one you can reach.

C=Calculable. Is my goal written in a way that I can measure it. For example, I will get C's or 
     better this semester.

K= Know your limits. Set a goal that is neither too easy or too hard. Somewhere in the middle.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Procrastination Part 3

A Time I did not Procrastinate 

Directions: Draw/Write about a time when you did a task without procrastinating.


  • Why did you not avoid the task?
  • What positive impact did this have?
  • How can you change a situation, so you don't procrastinate in the future?

Procrastination Part 2

A Time I Chose to Procrastinate

Directions:  Have student write/draw a time they procrastinated on a task.

Write and Discuss
  • Why did you avoid the task?
  • What problems did it create for you?

Procrastination Part 1

Procrastination Problems Part 1

With the first quarter creeping up on us, students may need a boost to help them with procrastination.

For You to Do
Directions:Have students make two columns. Have them think about tasks they procrastinate on and then write why they don't want to do the task.


Task Being Avoided                                                          Reason for Avoiding It